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Today I will tell you that thezombies are also advanced in this movie and can be in ourreal life as well, due to which the whole world can be spoiled,the whole area is going to blast near area Fifty One,due to which it will not move but some money.  


 Is there andno one is going to stop robbing the bank, only the zombieremains aware and this zombies are advanced and that theyspeaks too, but hinting to stay inside the movie, thatmaybe they are stuck in the time loop If you look closely,the clothes from the body will not tell so much in the matchpicture with the clothes of those people that people arereally stuck in the Time loop, but it seems that if the peopledoes not do that mission, then the people will have theirmissions in the clock and People are stuck in the sametime, you can also go and see this on the netflix in bothHindi and English 

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