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Today I will tell you thatbefore a man dies, show the photo of the alien who used towork in the area Fifty One, then you will know about theArea Fifty One that there is work done on the aliens there.

A man named Boyd Bushman, when he was about to die, heshowed a picture to his family, why did he say that he cannotshow anyone the picture of the alien or else they will killhim, he said that I will tell you because that I am going todie right now. Let me say that we used to work on aliens, andthey had big fingers and they were very friendly, we wereworking on spaceship and alien Weapons, so we had to makeourselves the same, that picture tell it all. 

Today people of area51 used to remove the same picturefrom the internet, but you know once it has come on theinternet, then it cannot be hidden. 

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