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The Proof of the Time Traveler.

The Proof of the Time Traveler.

TodayI well tell you whetherwe have got the proof of the Time Traveler, now it is amatter of recent fact that a couple had gone to leave thebook in it and they had picked up the book of 1917 which usedto say that their first page had a photo inside it, withthe group of people in it.  

The Proof of the Time Traveler.

 You were able to see how thepeople of 1917 were dressed. First of all, how did the girlswear, how did the boys wear all the boys wore hats and used towear such normal clothes, if you zoom you will see thisman in the picture , he is wearing clothes of todaygeneration. Look at his side person looking at the guyfrom future. It says that this photo was taken well whensomeone walked in fast from the Time past to the Future, hisphoto had come in the book. I didn't know much about thisbook because it had taken a lot of secret but today you came toknow by me 

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